Biophoton Communication: Can Cells Talk Using Light? - Technology Review: Mayburov has spent many hours in the dark watching fish eggs and recording the patterns of biophotons that these cells emit.
The question he aims to answer is whether the stream of photons has any discernible structure that would qualify it as a form of communication.
The answer is that is does, he says. Biophoton streams consist of short quasiperiodic bursts, which he says are remarkably similar to those used to send binary data over a noisy channel. That might help explain how cells can detect such low levels of radiation in a noisy environment...
In several experiments, biophotons from a growing plant seem to increase the rate of cell division in other plants by 30 per cent...
Other experiments have shown that the biophotons from growing eggs can encourage the growth of other eggs of a similar age.
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