Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quantum Whirls - Science News

Quantum Whirls - Science News: ...His experiments involved spinning a cylinder the size of a skateboard and watching how the liquid helium sloshed inside.
Frustrated that none of the tracer particles he could buy would float, he created a new technique to freeze hydrogen, the only element lighter than helium, into a fog of ice particles. He sprinkled the hydrogen particles like snow onto the helium. They floated...
...Bewley shined a laser onto the supercold liquid with the hydrogen snow. He was shocked to see Feynman’s vortices pop into existence and bump into each other. A few days later, he and his adviser caught the whole dance on tape...
...The way that vortices snapped away from each other is similar to how Drake imagined magnetic field lines twisting in the sun...

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